• Mars Volta Playlists Or The Josh Volta

    Mars Volta Playlists Or The Josh Volta

    These playlists cover all of the Mars Volta records except the last two. They are categorized as “Stong” and “More Hair”. When Deloused In The Comatorium came out, I remember being interested, but was really turned off by the vocals. After I got super into Rush, a band I previously had been interested in, but was really turned off by the vocals, I was waiting in Laguardia Airport to go to Vermont and wanted decided it was a good time to try The Mars Volta again. This was one of my earlier “hey Josh, which bands do you not like, because you were a pretentious asshole about music when they came out?” inspired victories.

    The Josh Volta, Strong

    This one is the heavier one. It has Bedlam In Goliath and the Deloused In The Comatorium, and records in the form of their other variants At The Drive-In and Antemasque.

    The Josh Volta, More Hair

    This playlist is the wierder one. It has Deloused In The Comatorium and some of the demo versions of that record, mixed with other Mars Volta songs that matched the weirder vibe I was going for on this playlist.

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